Wellow Village Hall Hire Agreement 

 In this document the hirer will be referred to as “you”

  1. You accept responsibility for always overseeing and being on the premises during the period of hire. All hirers must be over 18 years of age and ensure all under 18s are supervised at all times in the premises.
  2. You are responsible for the supervision and care of the building, its fabric and contents and the behaviour of those persons using the premises including safe management of the carpark and ensuring no obstruction of the highway occurs. Use of the carpark is entirely at the owners’ risk. If any damage occurs to the building, its fabric or contents or the grounds of the Village Hall, however slight this must be reported in the damage report log (held in the kitchen). Any damage caused during use will be liable to costs for replacement or repair. Please report any defect to the building or the hall equipment in the same manner.
  3. You must not use the premises, including the car park, for any purpose other than that described at the time of booking and must not sub-hire or use the premises for any unsuitable or unlawful purpose nor do anything which might endanger the premises or render invalid any insurance policies covering the premises.
  4. You agree not to exceed the stated room maximums as displayed on the website www.wellowvillagehall.co.uk
  5. It is your responsibility to ensure you have appropriate liability insurance covering your activity and group members where applicable. All users/hirers must conduct a risk assessment for the activity they are undertaking prior to using the venue. If you have any questions regarding if your group/activity should have their own insurance, please speak to the Hall Secretary prior to making your booking. When requested you must supply a copy of your insurance and risk assessment.
  6. You must only access the building at your assigned times of hire and at no other time without the permission of Wellow Village Hall Management committee. It is your responsibility to ensure the building is always secure both during the period of hire and when leaving the premises.
  7. You must ensure that any activities for children, young people and other vulnerable adults are only provided by fit and proper persons in accordance with the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and any subsequent legislation. When requested, you must provide us with a copy of your Safeguarding Policy and evidence that you have carried out relevant checks through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) if applicable. The safeguarding policy of Wellow Village Hall can be found in the foyer.
  8. In the event of an emergency, you are responsible for the safety of your group, ensuring all those attending are aware of the fire procedure and familiar with the building layout. Each room has an emergency procedure plan displayed on the wall which you should familiarise yourself with. It is your responsibility to notify the emergency services if applicable. Should any fire extinguisher be used this must be reported immediately to the hall secretary on 07957769049 and if this has not been used for the purpose of putting out a fire the user will be liable for the cost of replacement.
  9. Should an accident occur, this must be recorded in the accident book (located in the kitchen). One copy of the accident report should be kept by the user of the hall and the other needs to be placed securely in the post-box on the outside of the hall by the front door for the hall to keep as a record. In addition, accidents must be reported to the Hall Secretary on 07957769049 at the time of the incident.
  10. A first aid kit is situated in the kitchen and is provided for emergency use only, all users of the hall should provide their own first aid kit and be suitably qualified first aiders if required.
  11. When using the Wi-Fi service you agree at all times not to use the Wi-Fi service for any unlawful purposes. You will keep any username & password which forms part of the Wi-Fi service confidential and not to disclose it to any third party. We make no guarantee that the Wi-Fi service will meet your requirements and will be always fault-free or accessible.
  12. Any electrical appliances used in the building must be in good and safe working order and PAT tested. Portable heaters are prohibited.
  13. Any equipment stored on the premises must be with the prior consent of the hall management committee and kept in designated areas. Any non-essential items should be removed, and storage areas always kept tidy, and items stored safely. We accept no responsibility for any stored equipment or other property brought on to or left at the premises, and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded.
  14. Smoking and Vaping are prohibited inside the building. You must ensure that anyone wishing to smoke does so outside and disposes of cigarette ends, matches etc. in a tidy and responsible manner. There is a purpose-built receptacle on the wall by the main entrance door.
  15. Candles are prohibited from use with the exception of small birthday cake candles, but we do request alternatives are sought where possible. If cake candles are used in the building it must be done so in a responsible manner and all candles extinguished safely and removed from the premises at the end of the hire period.
  16. Fireworks, sparklers and indoors fireworks are prohibited on the site.
  17. If you plan to decorate the venue for your event please seek permission from the hall management committee. Any damage will result in charges being made.
  18. Kitchen users are required to supply their own dish cloths, tea towels etc. The kitchen must be left clean after use.
  19. You are responsible for leaving the premises and surrounding area in a clean and tidy condition, properly locked and secured and any furniture put away, otherwise we may make an additional charge.
  20. You are responsible for keeping noise to a minimum when using the venue so as not to disturb other users in the building or the halls neighbours.  
  21. Cancellation policy – if you cancel your booking with less than 7 days’ notice you may be liable to full the charge.

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